Trading Konfiguration
Bevor man zu handeln anfängt, muss man seinen Account entsprechend seinen Bedürfnissen konfigurieren. Dazu gehört die Wahl des Account Typen, der Trading Permissions und der Abonnemente für Marktdaten und Nachrichten. An dieser Stelle weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass das Abonnieren von Trading Permissions unabhängig ist von der Wahl von Marktdaten Abonnementen. Sie können ihre Trading Konfigurationen während des Account Eröffnungsprozesses oder zu einem beliebigen, späteren Zeitpunkt via Account Management einstellen. Der Account Typ setzt die Art fest, wie in ihrem Konto die Margin berechnet wird. Erhältlich sind Reg T Margin, Cash und Portfolio Margin.
Trading Permissions bestimmen welche Produkte gehandelt werden können und an welchen Börsen dies möglich ist. Bei der Spezifizierung ihrer gewählten Permissions werden Sie von den jeweils zuständigen Regulierungsbehörden aufgefordert, mit ihrer Unterschrift, die dazugehörende Risikoerklärung zu unterschreiben.
Marktdaten Abonnemente spezifizieren die Börsen, von denen Sie Echtzeit Marktdaten erhalten möchten. Zahlreiche Börsen erheben auf den von ihnen gelieferten Daten Gebühren, welche IB direkt seinen Kunden, welche die Daten benötigen, weiterverrechnet. Zusätzlich bieten wir einen abonnierbaren Echtzeit News Service an, der für all diejenigen Non-Professional Kunden kostenlos ist, welche mehr als 30 USD (oder ein USD Equivalent) per Monat an Kommissionen und anderen Gebühren generieren.
When opening your account you have a choice of Reg T Margin, Cash, or Portfolio Margin account types. For more specific information on margin calculations, see our Margin Requirements page. The following table describes the difference between these accounts.
Reg T Margin | Cash | Portfolio Margin | |
Aktien & Warrants | Borrowing to support equities trading, shorting of equities, currency conversions, and stock trading in multiple currencies. Margin requirements are computed on a formula-based real-time basis, with immediate position liquidation if the minimum maintenance margin requirement is not met. Purchase and sale proceeds are immediately recognized. US securities regulations require at least USD 25,000 (or USD equivalent) in equity to day trade. US IRA accounts are never allowed to borrow cash (have a debit balance or short stocks) in a Reg T Margin account. | You must have enough cash in the account to cover the cost of the stock plus commissions. No shorting of stock and trading is only allowed for products denominated in the base currency of the account. Cash from the sale of stocks becomes available 3 business days after the trade date. When authorizing market, relative and VWAP orders, a 5% cash cushion is required to compensate for market movements. | Margin is based on the largest potential loss found by valuing the portfolio over a range of underlying prices and volatilities on a real-time basis. Immediate position liquidation will occur if the minimum maintenance margin requirement is not met. Purchase and sale proceeds are immediately recognized. US securities regulations require at least USD 100,000 (or USD equivalent) for this account. Accounts with IBPrime services require a minimum of USD 500,000 (or USD equivalent). |
Anleihen | Borrowing to support bond trading. Margin requirements are computed on a real-time basis, with immediate position liquidation if the minimum maintenance margin is not met. Purchase and sale proceeds are immediately recognized. Shorting of bonds is not allowed. | You must have enough cash in the account to cover the cost of the bonds plus commissions. No shorting of bonds is allowed. Cash from the sale of bonds becomes available 3 business days after the trade date. | Same as Reg T Margin Requirements. |
Aktien & Cash Index Optionen | Buying and selling options on margin, which is determined on a real-time basis with immediate position liquidation if the minimum maintenance margin requirement is not met. For buying options, you must deposit the entire premium plus commissions. For selling options, and other strategy-based combinations, the margin requirements and commissions must be covered. Option market value may never be used for the purpose of borrowing funds. You must have stocks margin trading permissions in order to have options margin trading permissions. US Securities regulations require at least 25,000 USD in equity to day trade. Cash from the purchase and sale of options is immediately recognized. US IRA accounts are never allowed to borrow cash (have a debit balance). | Full payment must be made for all call and put purchases. Covered call writing is allowed, but the underlying stock must be available and is then restricted. Naked put writing is also allowed, but the funds must be available and then are restricted. You must have stock cash trading permissions in order to have options cash trading permissions. Cash from the sale of options becomes available 1 business day after the trade date. | Same as Stocks Portfolio Margin Requirements. |
Futures | Purchase and sale of broad based equity index, fixed income and commodity futures contracts on margin. Margin is determined on a real-time basis with immediate position liquidation if the minimum margin requirement is not met. Only cash may be used to meet variation margin requirements. Special 50 % of variation margin benefits are made available during the day on some futures exchanges. | Same as Reg T Margin Requirements. | Same as Reg T Margin Requirements. |
Futures Optionen | Purchase and sale of broad based equity index, fixed income and commodity futures contracts on margin. Margin is determined on a real-time basis with immediate position liquidation if the minimum margin requirement is not met. Only cash may be used to meet variation margin requirements. Special 50 % of variation margin benefits are made available during the day on some futures exchanges. Non-US futures options are available to US legal resident customers. You must have futures trading permissions in order to have options on futures trading permissions. | Same as Reg T Margin Requirements. | Same as Reg T Margin Requirements. |
Mutual Funds | Borrowing to support Mutual Funds may only be done 30 days after the purchase of the fund. Shorting Mutual Funds is never allowed. Net Asset Value is computed once per day at closing by the funds at which time your margin requirement and equity will be updated. Liquidation will occur on an end-of-day basis if minimums aren't met. Purchase and sales proceeds are recognized at the end of the day when the Mutual Fund order is submitted and confirmation received. | You must have enough cash in the account to cover the cost of the fund plus commissions. No shorting of funds is allowed. Cash from the sale of funds becomes available 1 business day after the trade date. | Same as Stocks Portfolio Margin Requirements. |
Single Stock Futures | Purchase and sale of stocks, exchange traded funds and narrow based index futures contracts on margin. Margin is determined on a real-time basis with immediate position liquidation if the minimum margin requirement is not met. In the US, SSFs may be cross margined with stocks and options (IRA accounts can only cross margin SSFs, not stocks and options). |
Same as Reg T Margin Requirements.
Same as Stocks Portfolio Margin Requirements. |
Forex | Purchase and sale of currencies. Borrowing in one currency to purchase another currency is allowed, but margin haircuts will be applied on a real-time basis. Margin accounts automatically get Forex trading permissions in order to effect trading of products denominated in multiple currencies. US IRA accounts are never allowed to borrow currencies. | Forex trading permissions are not allowed in a cash account. | Same as Reg T Margin Requirements. |
- Margin accounts have the ability to trade in all available countries.
- Cash accounts may only trade in those countries offering products denominated in the base currency of the cash account.
- IRA accounts can have cash or margin trading permissions, but margin accounts are never allowed to borrow cash (have a debit balance) as per US IRS regulation.
- Cash accounts may upgrade to Reg T Margin accounts but Reg T Margin accounts may not downgrade to cash accounts.
- An account must maintain USD 100,000 (or USD equivalent), otherwise the account will be downgraded to Reg T Margin.
- Portfolio Margin accounts are not available for IB Canada customers due to IDA restrictions.
- Portfolio Margin is only available for US traded products. All non-US products will utilize Reg T Margin rules.
Trading Permissions are required in order to provide customers with all the proper regulatory disclosures and provide customers with the ability to trade. They may be elected at the time of application or upgraded at anytime through Account Management. Upgraded permissions are subject to regulatory review, and any upgrade request received by 11:00 ET on a business day will be reviewed by the next business day under normal circumstances.
Trading Permissions werden, wie nachfolgend aufgeführt, nach Anlageklassen und Ländern gruppiert.
Angebote Länder | |
Aktien |
Anleihen |
Aktien & Cash Index Optionen |
Futures |
Futures Optionen |
Mutual Funds |
Single Stock Futures |
Forex |
Warrants |
CFDs |
- Because of SEC restrictions, US legal resident customers are not allowed to trade non-US stock and cash index options.
We directly pass real-time market data fees through to the customer. Exchanges generally have a two tier pricing structure for non-professionals and professionals, with professionals paying higher rates. We offer two subscriptions to non-professionals for free when more than USD 30 (or equivalent) is spent on commissions and other fees in any given month; US market data and Reuters Real-time News.
For specific information and schedules for market data, real-time Reuters Fundamental Analysis and Newsfeeds subscription fees, click here.